Saturday, February 5, 2011

Drawing and Visualizing workshop- Part 1

Today the drawing workshop was an experience in itself. It started with just sketching and moved to visualization and concept building.
Development of Sketches:

Initially there were a lot of lines in the sketches, which i was asked to avoid by the professor. 

I was concentrating too much on the proportions and not enjoying drawings. My professor told me to forget about the accurateness of proportions and just enjoy the drawings.

Slowly slowly, the lines got improved and i could draw the subject in a single line.

Finally I could draw figure more quickly and in a single line. I was enjoying sketching my subject in different positions. My professor was so happy with my quick progress that he gave me STAR for my drawing. I know its little kiddish and reminded me of school, but was a reason to get happy :-))))

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