I have been looking books and searching internet database. Got a few facts which fit well in the context i want to convey my message.
Some of these facts are:
65 million years ago dinosaurs became extinct, forests got lost, underwater and sea creatures died and sank at the bottom. Their decaying remains were recycled into oil, coal and gas.
There is also evidence that early Romans recycled bronze coins into statues that could be sold at a higher monetary than the original coins. In hard times (e.g. Wartime), metals from everything like jewellery and coins were being melted for weapons or other necessary goods. Source: http://www.all-recycling-facts.com/history-of-recycling.html
New technologies have been developed to cope with newer materials, such as glass and plastic. More and more waste material is being recycled which helps to save energy and natural resources to certain extend.
1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.*
1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.*
1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 30-watt light bulb for 6 hour.*
Each tonne of paper recycled saves enough electricity to power an average 3 bedroom house for one year.*