Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paper Info-graphics-Part-2

This promotion set includes book, bookmark and poster was designed to 
introducing Taiwan. 
It is not only a book with a bunch of nice delicate paper-illustration, but 
also an informational graphics book. I translate some normal facts into 
interesting numbers, and then use paper-illustration to make the 
informational graphics.
When I came to the United State, I noticed that many people don't know 
my hometown Taiwan. Some people even cannot tell the difference between 
Taiwan and Thailand, just because they sound alike. As a designer, I think 
I should do something to promote this beautiful island.
I would like to do something very different from the other books about 
Taiwan. It would definitely not be a tourist guide, nor a boring government-
published book. It should be interesting and casual, but also clear in 
delivering the information about Taiwan.

The population of the mainland China is 59 times than
Taiwan. If mainland China's population is the whole dish,
Taiwan is just one piece of chicken. (This dish is one of the famous Chinese dish – Kong Bao Chicken)

Its quite interesting how the designer here has shown the graphics through paper illustrations. 

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