Saturday, July 16, 2011

Facts about past, present and future

Next step was to found out the facts about recycling in past, present and future forms.

I have been looking books and searching internet database. Got a few facts which fit well in the context i want to convey my message.
Some of these facts are:

 65 million years ago dinosaurs became extinct, forests got lost, underwater and sea creatures died and sank at the bottom. Their decaying remains were recycled into oil, coal and gas.

There is also evidence that early Romans recycled bronze coins into statues that could be sold at a higher monetary than the original coins. In hard times (e.g. Wartime), metals from everything like jewellery and coins were being melted for weapons or other necessary goods.                                                                       Source:

New technologies have been developed to cope with newer materials, such as glass and plastic. More and more waste material is being recycled which helps to save energy and natural resources to certain extend.
1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.*
1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes.*
1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 30-watt light bulb for 6 hour.*
Each tonne of paper recycled saves enough electricity to power an average 3 bedroom house for one year.*

Friday, July 15, 2011


I had a concept in my mind wherein I would show how recycling was in past, in what forms was it seen. How did it transform and how is it being used to conserve energy in present .
How in future, human energy as an alternative source of energy can be used to protect the environment.

The information that I am going to present will have 3 parts:


Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have been drawing boxes since morning. Finally have a proper story boards. I feel proud about myself to come this far in so little time when i have never done motion graphics and story boarding ever in my life...

Monday, July 4, 2011


We had our last tutorial with Peter as Andy couldn't come.
The week prior to this tutorial I had been experimenting with the storyboards. I was doing it for the first time in my life, which was exciting in itself. It was a good chance to show it to peter today.

Feedback: Peter asked me not to use stick figures for my storyboard, instead use the actual characters.
So i need to change it now... more work!!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

User Testing-part-2

Mathew is a middle school going boy. I asked him for his comments on the characters i developed and explained him my project and explained him the concept of how he can generate his own power while playing football.
He really got excited and suggested me if we can have the character printed on the balls with such mechanism.

User Testing-part-1

Today I tested my work with the target audience and got some feedback:

Joseph is a 12 year old school going boy. I showed my visuals to him and asked for his feedback and comments, this helped me to take decisions.
I showed him the Visual for the football's Inductive coil mechanism and asked him if it was clear. He couldn't understand it in the first instant and took time to understand it.
Seeing his reaction I decided to label the magnet and the metal coil.

Adding the names

Monday, June 27, 2011

Indian Film- Data Visualization

A good example of character based data visualization animated movie.

Voice Recording

Since last tutorial I have been searching for young teenage boy for movie's voice over.Since all these days  I have tried all means to search children who can  record their voice. I visited parks, malls and shops where children usually visit. But it didn't really work out as no one would agree to come to studio for recording and more over all this seemed to be little weird to them. Finally while talking to a friend I got to know that he has got a cousin who can do the recording.

Today early in the morning I went to the university to make all the arrangements for the recording. 
I did  recording with the help of ROBERT SQUIRRELL - the head of the sound department. 
For keeping more options in case if Ben's voice was not suited, i recorded both my and my friend jame's voice also.
Tomorrow in the tutorial I will have 3 varieties of voice in front of my supervisor and with his consultation i will pick up one and go ahead with it.
Thank God! I feel relieved...

Getting ready for recording

Ben narrating the script

Trying out Jame's voice

ME giving it a shot


Monday, June 13, 2011

Some motion

I have been learning flash software and taking help from friends for motion graphics. I showed few initial experiments i did with the animation.
Here is the small video:-

Tutors feedback:
Andy liked my initial start with animation. But asked me to resolve metaphors i.e. bicycle and try to avoid any other puns.He advised me to first create the whole story board and than select a section to animate.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Exploring the 5 situations for the 'future' part of my information

The five situations keeping in my young children for the future part are playing football, dancing in a club, typing, at railway station and character's body parts.

Playing football:-

I dressed the character in the football players uniform. the two teams with 2 different colors and the number coding.

Making the character look more cool and at leisure time, i added few props like glares.

Adding the specs on the character can enhance this situation.

Railway station:-Character with thier luggage

Body Parts- Lungs:-
Showing body parts like lungs.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Final character

Today we had our work in progress presentation and i got more feedback on my character. I had two characters which I showed to everyone and got lot of feedback. they are:-



Got a lot of feedback and more people voted for the number-2.
Yay finally I could decide my character. Now i need to put my character int 5 situations i.e playing football, dancing, typing, at railway station and showing the characters body part.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have had been experimenting more on the character, i need to really decide on it really soon. I have a variety of character and i am confused which one to go with.. So today i showed my work to friends around and asked for their feedback . 
These are few more experiments.
This time i started with the square and rectangle shape for my character.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today I started with the character development....
Tried and explored a lot of things. Few of them are here...

Monday, May 23, 2011


I started exploring the visual language for the infographics keeping in mind simplicity and playfulness of young children.

These were the four words I could think of when i thought of young children. My initial explorations revolve around these expressions.

Man with Football

Man with football

People playing football

When the football is batted about.
For todays tutorial I had few questions in my mind:
1) What should be the art style for young children?
2) Will children understand such technicalities which my narrative offers?
3) Also I need to get my narrative of the movie checked from my tutor

FEEDBACK(and answers):
My tutor suggested me to develope characters and not use isotypes. He asked me explore the visual language of my audience in more depth. Also according to him my story didnt have very complex technical information which children would not understand.
So for the next tutorial i have to develop a character for my movie and visualize the five situations i.e playing football, typing, dancing, railway station and body parts like lungs.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paper Info-graphics-Part-2

This promotion set includes book, bookmark and poster was designed to 
introducing Taiwan. 
It is not only a book with a bunch of nice delicate paper-illustration, but 
also an informational graphics book. I translate some normal facts into 
interesting numbers, and then use paper-illustration to make the 
informational graphics.
When I came to the United State, I noticed that many people don't know 
my hometown Taiwan. Some people even cannot tell the difference between 
Taiwan and Thailand, just because they sound alike. As a designer, I think 
I should do something to promote this beautiful island.
I would like to do something very different from the other books about 
Taiwan. It would definitely not be a tourist guide, nor a boring government-
published book. It should be interesting and casual, but also clear in 
delivering the information about Taiwan.

The population of the mainland China is 59 times than
Taiwan. If mainland China's population is the whole dish,
Taiwan is just one piece of chicken. (This dish is one of the famous Chinese dish – Kong Bao Chicken)

Its quite interesting how the designer here has shown the graphics through paper illustrations.