Monday, May 23, 2011


I started exploring the visual language for the infographics keeping in mind simplicity and playfulness of young children.

These were the four words I could think of when i thought of young children. My initial explorations revolve around these expressions.

Man with Football

Man with football

People playing football

When the football is batted about.
For todays tutorial I had few questions in my mind:
1) What should be the art style for young children?
2) Will children understand such technicalities which my narrative offers?
3) Also I need to get my narrative of the movie checked from my tutor

FEEDBACK(and answers):
My tutor suggested me to develope characters and not use isotypes. He asked me explore the visual language of my audience in more depth. Also according to him my story didnt have very complex technical information which children would not understand.
So for the next tutorial i have to develop a character for my movie and visualize the five situations i.e playing football, typing, dancing, railway station and body parts like lungs.

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