Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paper Info-graphics

Pattern making is not new, but creating info-graphics by the means of patterns is quite new and exciting. Patterns have always been used as decorations or art  pieces but a pattern which holds a meaning and communicates something is remarkable. I came across few of these:

Pattern Matters, a graphic design-based project inquires on possible ways to augment the role of pattern . It demonstrates the way of how this design element of pattern can be adopted differently on various platforms in graphic design. The main objective of this project is to inspire designers to look at pattern in every possible angles. Pattern Matters also aims to demonstrate that pattern is a crucial form of design element in graphic design which eventually evident that pattern is not merely a decorating tool.(

World in Miniature, What Is Your Name (most common names in St-Petersburg, Russia), Business Plan (TV power consumption)
Paper infographics by Dmitriy Gorelishev (Дмитрий Горелышев) are made for a various Russian newspapers and 'Infographics' magazine.


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