Monday, May 9, 2011

TUTORIAL- Visuals finally!!!

I had been developing visuals all this while . And had a lot to show in todays tutorial.These are few of the initial concepts:
PAST: Dinosaurs, forests and underwater
animals died and were converted into oil,
coal and gas 
Energy produced by Dancing, walking, running, 
cycling etc can be reused to produce power

My supervisor asked me to expand the initial ideas more. More detailed information is needed to explain the future forms of energy. He asked me to focus on 5 facts and visually explore them and experiment with a variety of ways to display them for the audience. He asked me to story board if necessary to figure out how the movement would work. Also more visual development is needed.
My supervisor said that these visuals are more like illustrations and i need to expand them and show more detailed info-graphics.

Can these info-graphics be used at the places where they can be viewed by the audience. Places where young teenagers usually hang around.
Parks, Computer lab, Playing ground, School canteen, cycle stand etc.
An info-graphic which talks about how energy produced by typing can be used to charge the laptop batteries, can be put up in the school's computer lab and than it directs the viewer to the full movie.
I discussed it with my supervisor but he suggested me to first come up with visuals.

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